According to a tweet I received this morning from Mental Floss, “The Great Gatsby was published on this date in 1925. Other titles considered: Trimalchio in West Egg; Among Ash-Heaps and Millionaires.” Oh, the importance of a snappy title!
The main character of my novel, Miss Marjorie Corrigan, wrote about The Great Gatsby almost a year ago. You can read what she wrote over at Marjorie Corrigan’s Jazz Age Journal.
Old Marjorie’s been mighty quiet lately. Wonder what’s going on . . .
Who are you calling old?
Marjorie? Is that you?
Of course it’s me, How many Marjorie Corrigans do you know? You’ve been ignoring me.I’m positively moldering over here at my diary. You haven’t updated me in a month of Sundays.
It’s not a diary, it’s a blog. And I’ve been busy, creating new adventures for you in the sequel.
A sequel? Oh, for heaven’s sake. Do we even have an agent yet?
Not yet. But everyone who reads about you likes you.
Of course they like me. What’s not to like? As you’re writing the sequel, be sure to put in lots of kissing. There wasn’t enough kissing in the first book.
Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion. Now leave me alone. I need to get back to writing. I’ll come over and update your blog as soon as I can.
Write something clever for once.
Good-BYE, Marjorie. . .
I’m going shopping.
Hahahaha! She sounds delightful! Can’t wait to meet Marjorie Corrigan. 🙂
I have met Marjorie Corrigan. She is much nicer to strangers than she is to Jenny. Maybe she got tired of being edited so much and now feels free to say anything she wants. Sequel? Oh goodie!