A Sparkling Vintage Life

Is Choral Singing the New Prozac?

Photo by Ian Allenden licensed from 123rf.com From formal concert choirs to belting out tunes around a campfire with friends and family, research shows that singing as a group is good for us! So why does it seem to have gone out of style? Why do families no longer...

Sparkling Vintage Health: Steps on the Journey

Last week I wrote about wanting to improve my health and what the pre-World War II ladies magazines call “vitality.” I looked up “vitality” in the dictionary. The first definition is, “the peculiarity of distinguishing the living from the...

Sparkling Vintage Habits: Get a Good Night’s Sleep

“Sleep, thou that knittest up the ravel’d sleeve of care…” (William Shakespeare, Macbeth) I’ve been thinking a lot about habits recently. I’m not much of a New-Year’s-resolution-maker, but I do find great value in establishing good habits and dropping...