by jlo | Sep 26, 2019 | Podcast
It’s football season! Listen in as Jennifer discusses vintage football etiquette for the fans in the stands, what the well-dressed football fan wore in 1943, and more. If you prefer to read rather than listen, scroll down to find a transcript of this episode....
by jlo | Jun 5, 2018 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
“Style is not applying make-up in public, indulging in a passion for ornament, or rushing out to purchase the latest design in a fashion product. Nor is style the ignoring of social conventions, such as going without a hat or gloves on city streets or other...
by jlo | May 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
Inspired by this post by Jessica Cangiano over at Chronically Vintage about wearing white, I’ve got white on my mind as we swoop toward summer and, in particular, Memorial Day–the traditional kickoff to the season of wearing white, at least here in the...
by jlo | Apr 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
I have stumbled upon the most amazing treasure–a book written in 1917 called Woman as Decoration by Emily Burbank, a visual artist’s point of view about how to complement one’s surroundings by what one puts on one’s body–what to wear...
by jlo | Mar 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
From “Personality Plus” by Veronica Dengel: “The executive type is the brisk, energetic, matter-of-fact woman, entirely capable of handling any situation, Purposeful in every movement and thought, there is no ‘nonsense’ about her. …...