by jlo | Apr 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
I became interested recently in the concept of a “spring tonic,” something I’d run across now and then in historical fiction, but was never too sure what it was. So, belatedly, I looked it up. One of the dictionary definitions of “tonic”...
by jlo | Apr 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
I love to wear skirts. I think they’re so much more comfortable and flattering than jeans or slacks (on my admittedly zaftig shape). I like the way skirts swish around my legs in summer, creating their own breeze when I walk. I like tucking my legs up underneath...
by jlo | Apr 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Quality, when applied to clothes, is another of those words that can sound fusty and outdated to a modern ear. In an age of fast fashion, cheap materials, and instant everything, who has time to bother about quality? I’ve certainly worn my share of “great...
by jlo | Apr 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
If there’s one cosmetic I hate to leave the house without, it’s mascara. Unadorned, my pale lashes cause people to ask if I’m feeling a bit peaked, to useĀ an antique euphemism for you look like death warmed over. Today on M-day I’m lumping...
by jlo | Apr 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
…as in, does anyone harmonize anymore? In this article, Tim Challies makes the point that the demise of hymnal use in church, in favor of projecting the lyrics on slides, has had a detrimental effect on people harmonizing in church. No doubt the decline of music...