by jlo | Sep 26, 2019 | Podcast
It’s football season! Listen in as Jennifer discusses vintage football etiquette for the fans in the stands, what the well-dressed football fan wore in 1943, and more. If you prefer to read rather than listen, scroll down to find a transcript of this episode....
by jlo | Apr 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
The randomly-chosen winner of a copy of Jan Cline’s heart-stirring new novel EMANCIPATED HEART is Violetta Davis! Congratulations, Violetta. Check your e-mail for a note from me (Jennifer). Thank you so much to everyone who entered! I hope you will continue to...
by jlo | Mar 30, 2015 | Uncategorized
From “Personality Plus” by Veronica Dengel: “The executive type is the brisk, energetic, matter-of-fact woman, entirely capable of handling any situation, Purposeful in every movement and thought, there is no ‘nonsense’ about her. …...