by jlo | Sep 16, 2019 | Podcast
To celebrate the release of the Downton Abbey movie, Jennifer shares the top 7 reasons she loves Downton Abbey. If you would prefer to read rather than listen, scroll down for a transcript of the episode. Show notes: The Highlanders preorder: Kindle edition The...
by jlo | May 2, 2019 | Jennifer Lamont Leo
Don’t miss this clean, sweet romance set in 1920s Chicago! FREE on Amazon through May 4, 2018.
by jlo | Feb 14, 2019 | Jennifer Lamont Leo
Hiya, Sparklers! If your hair has been turning silver waiting for me to release a new novel, here’s a gap-filler for you. I’ve written four short stories and collected them in a single volume called Songbird and Other Stories. Each story is set in the...
by jlo | Jun 4, 2018 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
In June the Facebook group The Sparkling Vintage Ladies’ Reading Circle is reading and discussing The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery. Less well known than her Anne of Green Gables series, The Blue Castle is no less a delight. Set in fictional Deerwood, Ontario...
by jlo | Jun 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Sparklers, I’ve been busy! Not only am I in the middle of editorial revisions to the as-yet-untitled sequel to You’re the Cream in My Coffee, but I’ve written a new Roaring Twenties Short Story. This time the story stars Helen Corrigan,...