I’m so glad to hear that people are still singing this hymn in 2013. In my day it was quite new, written in 1923 by Thomas Chisholm and William Runyan, who was affiliated with the Moody Bible Institute. A few older members of the congregation grumbled about singing an unfamiliar modern song in church, but most people loved it from the get-go.
One of my favorite verses and hymns ! Thanks for posting !
Indeed. He is Faithful and True.
I’m so glad to hear that people are still singing this hymn in 2013. In my day it was quite new, written in 1923 by Thomas Chisholm and William Runyan, who was affiliated with the Moody Bible Institute. A few older members of the congregation grumbled about singing an unfamiliar modern song in church, but most people loved it from the get-go.
So beautiful. So true.