A Sparkling Vintage Life

While_Love_Stirs_2-288x452Many readers have come to love Lorna Seilstad’s brand of lighthearted fiction that also sheds light on aspects of life in the early twentieth century.

Set in 1910, Lorna’s latest novel, While Love Stirs, follows independent young woman Charlotte Gregory from her course at Fannie Farmer’s School of Cookery to a thrilling career as a demonstrator of gas stoves–thrilling not only because her job allows her to travel and give lectures and demonstrations, but also because of her handsome colleague Lewis Mathis. But when Charlotte expands her reach to launch a crusade to improve the food served to hospital patients, how will she handle young hospital superintendent Dr. Joel Brooks, who opposes her efforts at every turn?

When Love Stirs is an example of one of my favorite kinds of stories, about a young woman in early adulthood seeking to establish herself professionally while at the same time longing for love–probably because this sort of heroine reminds me of myself at that age! Maybe she will strike a note with you, too.

If you’re looking for a breezy summertime read that’s set in an intriguing place and time, you’ll enjoy this story.

Disclosure: I’ve been given a review copy of this book by the publisher. This generosity, while appreciated, has not biased my review. I also post some of my reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.