It will probably come as a surprise to exactly zero readers of this blog that I’m a huge fan of Victoria magazine, that venerable grande dame of gracious living. I keep back issues organized by season and flip through them whenever I need some inspiration or a little pick-me-up.
I was perusing the Victoria blog recently (The Ribbon in My Journal) and was thunderstruck to stumble across my own name, on a comment I posted in 2014. The question was something like “why do you like to read Victoria,” and I was tickled to realize I still agree with every word I wrote some four years ago. Here’s what I wrote:
“I always appreciate seeing examples of ways to incorporate vintage-style clothing, etc., into modern life without appearing too “costume-y.” Love reading about other kindred spirits who appreciate the best of the past and suspect that sometimes we’ve thrown out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to modernization–who don’t roll their eyes and say, “Yeah, but cholera! But no air-conditioning!” when I wax nostalgic about the past.”
But that wasn’t enough laud and honor, lol. I gushingly continued:
“I’ve been enjoying a book called Let’s Bring Back by Lesley M. M. Blume that talks about things we’ve lost and sometimes miss, such as hats on gentlemen and “powder rooms” and steamer trunks. Then when I pick up Victoria and see a way to use, say, a steamer trunk in my home, maybe not for its original purpose but in some other way, I feel like I can honor the past and keep bits of it always with me. I look forward to Victoria as a refreshing respite from the harshness of modern life, but I REALLY love it when I get an inspiration for grace notes to add to my life in a practical way. I don’t have to just shut the magazine with a sigh and a wistful “Wouldn’t it be nice…” but can actually incorporate elements of a more gracious time into my everyday life. Thank you!”
If you enjoy old-fashioned things and ways of living the way I do, give Victoria a try.
(FYI I’m not connected to the magazine or company in any way, financially or otherwise; just an avid fan.)