It’s been pretty quiet recently here on the blog. For those of you who read my fiction (and if you’re not, why not??? Just kidding … sort of), I’ve been working with an editor on polishing up Ain’t Misbehavin’, the sequel to You’re the Cream in My Coffee, slated for March 2018 publication.
I also finished up a fun short story starring Helen Corrigan (Marjorie’s younger sister–sort of like Skipper to Marjorie’s Barbie), called “Playing for Keeps.” You can get it free by joining the Sparkling Vintage reader community (sign-up to your right), or buy it for a buck on Amazon.
In June had a fantastic time at the Historical Novel Society‘s conference in Portland, Oregon. I spoke on the topic “Anatomy of a Book Launch,” discussing activities surrounding the launch of You’re the Cream in My Coffee last fall. I opened up about which tactics I felt were “worth it” in terms of building a readership and drawing attention to the book, and which ones I would skip in the future, and what I wished I’d done differently. The audience appeared eager to hear what I had to say and we had some great interaction. Other highlights of the conference included meeting several authors I admire, including Laura Frantz and Libbie Hawker, and absorbing tons of inspiration and tips on improving my writing and research methods. I felt at home among people to whom I didn’t have to explain or justify my fascination with days of yore. The conference took place smack in downtown Portland (two words: Powell’s Books), which gave me a change of scenery and also reinforced my love of rural life. So many people. So much noise. My introverted self was happy for the change of scenery, and even happier to return home to my peaceful mountain.
Speaking of peaceful, I’ve decided that’s my word for Summer 2017. On the personal side, I’ve been healing up from a major health scare and surgery that happened in the spring. I’m doing great now and am practically good as new, but my energy level took a big hit and I’ve had to pull back temporarily on my usual darting-hither-and-yon lifestyle. This summer so far has been a quiet, low-key time of healing, reflection, and re-evaluation. As I prayerfully examine my priorities, I’ve come to realize I haven’t always been putting time and energy where I’d like to (my spiritual life, my health(!), writing new fiction, sharing thoughts on this blog, engaging with the Sparkling Vintage community) in favor of things more urgent in the moment, maybe, but less important in the long run. Trying to figure out what changes need to be made going forward.
Finally, I was pleased to learn that You’re the Cream in My Coffee has been named a finalist in the debut-novel category of the ACFW Carol Awards. Looking at the list of finalists, I’m both honored and humbled that Marjorie made the cut.
And that’s enough rambling for today. I’m lining up some fun posts on ways to vintage sparkle to your summertime, so check back soon. As always, I welcome your thoughts, questions, and suggestions at jenny @ jenniferlamontleo dot com.
Sparkle on!
Congtaulations on the nomination.
Thanks very much!