I had a lot of fun finding photographs that portray what I think the characters in my novel look like, and photos of places they’ve been. Visit my Pinterest page to get a visual on these people! I’ll be updating faces and places as I find more images.

Marjorie Corrigan “Gone was my prim bun. In its place was a riot of curls springing out around my head, like the head of a cherub whose halo had shorted out in a shower of sparks. What on earth had I done?”

Helen Corrigan “She held up the pale violet frock—an old one of mine that I was altering to fit her—and swayed to and fro in front of the pier glass, glowing. ‘Oh, Marjie, it’s the cat’s meow.'”

Charlie Corrigan “He assumed his injuries made him a pariah where romance was concerned. Which was a shame, because my handsome, charming brother would make a first-rate catch for any girl. Except when he drank. Or when he was being stubborn and annoying. Like now.”