***Updated 11/1/20 to add: May I just take a moment to say I have the most thoughtful, incredible readers in the entire universe? You’ve all given me such helpful feedback and ideas about the kinds of stories you’d most like to read going forward. So a huge thank-you to each and every one of you who took the time to leave a comment.
And now the big news: WE HAVE A WINNER for the “sparkling vintage” earrings and a signed copy of Moondrop Miracle! Congratulations to Linda Gawthrop, whose name was drawn at random from all the commenters to this post who included the secret codeword “vintage.” (Linda, I’ve contacted you by e-mail to get your mailing address.)
Thanks again to every one of you. Stay tuned for more giveaways to come. And always remember to sparkle!***
I’m already in the early stages of thinking about which story I’ll write following THE ROSE KEEPER. It’s time to begin the brainstorming and research process on my next Sparkling Vintage historical novel.
Trouble is, I’ve got several story ideas floating around in my head, and I’d like YOU, my loyal readers, to help me decide! Leave a comment below and let me know what Sparkling Vintage time period or historical event you’d like me to write about. Would you like to see more stories set in the 1920s and 1930s? World War I, World War II, Classic Hollywood, the Gilded Age, the Nifty Fifties? Or perhaps some pre-20th-century time period like the Civil War or Old West?
Also, do you prefer sequels featuring characters you already know and love, or entirely new stories? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
(P.S. If you’re a Reader Community member and you leave a comment containing the secret codeword, you’ll be entered to win a chance at the special prize I told you about in your most recent newsletter. If you’re not yet a Reader Community member and you want to be in on the fun, sign up in the box marked “Reader Community” and I’ll send you the details. Last day to enter the drawing is October 31, 2020.)
I love reading about the roaring 20’s and love the vintage clothing that they wore during that time period. I can just imagine them getting dressed up for a night on the town and what it was like before everything fell apart.
Most of the Vintage stuff really are cool and stories are not the exception. I’m with you in the picking department- It’s really hard to pick just one. Still, my vote would go for the Hollywood setting. I can only imagine all the drama that can be spinned with that as a backdrop theme. I just love intrigue and romance. Good luck, Jennifer!
My parents met during WWII and I love stories from that period. I look at pictures of my Mom and admire her clothing – such style and attractive lines – vintage class!
I love learning about many time periods, especially 1940s and the 1950s. I don’t feel like as many books are set in the 1950s, but hopefully the number will increase in the coming years. I just love seeing the vintage clothing styles and manners. It would be fun to see these in stories.
Sometimes sequels are nice, but I often like stand alone novels.
How about the roaring 20’s with moonshine runners, gun runners, gals wearing vintage clothing, gangsters.
Thank you for this fabulous chance at book and vintage ear rings.
I just love all your vintage inspired advice, and thank you for this giveaway opportunity. I wonder..does any Chicago history/characters relate to other countries? Such as, England? For example, an heiress from Chicago that married overseas?
Or if you would rather write more American based..i recently visited the black hills of South Dakota..lots of history there, and it is beautiful !
Can’t wait for the next book!
A story about a woman waiting for a man stationed overseas falling in love with another man, while not knowing that man is falling in love with a another woman (French, English, Japanese?) and how they have to sort it out when the war ends.
I’ve always enjoyed vintage fiction. Learning about life in another era has always intrigued me. Thanks, Jennifer, for introducing me to life in the early 1900’s. It was a time my grandmother was a young woman and let’s me get a peek at what her life must’ve been like.
I love the vintage fashion of the 20s and 30s – maybe write a story about a 30s independent woman explorer who goes to Egypt!
I would love a new story set in the vintage period of the 1910s.
I love your vintage stories! I think a book set in Classic Hollywood would be really cool. I so enjoyed Moon Drop Miracle and look forward to reading more from you.
I am a history buff. I enjoy The Gilded Age and The Gay Nineties. The period between The Gay Nineties and WWI had such growth for the average Joe. The era of my Grandparents who were both born around the turn of that century. They lived from woodstoves, outhouses and kerosene lamps to color television,and a man on the moon. I love the vintage jewelry from the Civil War to WWII. The clothing styles were great, but so much better with the jewelry, beaded bags, Tiffany and Cloisonne.
I love the vintage age of the Titanic when society still had a class system that was about to fall apart with WW1. The clothing and jewellery were still very feminine and appealing on women, as opposed to the 1920’s when they flattened out their silhouette. So, I’d love a time slip novel set in the age of the Titanic, when society still dreamed big dreams prior to the Great War. And maybe the third generation from there catches up with a female heroine from that age in the second part of the time slip?
I have always been interested about the 1920’s through the1940’s! The vintage clothing, the speak easy lifestyle, the years just before World War II! The vintage jewelry, amazing! Especially with an independent woman that goes against the norm!
I love WII novels along with vintage quilts.
I am new here, and I’ll admit I haven’t read any of your books yet. I love the vintage look of the covers, and from the reviews I’ve read, I look forward to reading all of your books!
I love to read vintage stories from World War II. It is so interesting to see how people banned together to stop the German occupation.
I love vintage jewelry & would love to see you write about the Old West, especially in New Mexico
As a 1950,s vintage I love reading about the era. I can imagine my mum dancing to the radio.
I’d love to read about the 1930s. After the stock market crash, and before WWI. I love the vintage jewelry and clothes that they wore in that era.
Hi, I love Civil War Era vintage stories. I love book series that keep the book characters growing up and reading what becomes of them. Thank you so very much for the chance, the vintage earrings are Beautiful. Have a Great weekend and stay safe.
I love to read books of past eras, I especially enjoy the Victorian Georgian Edwardian eras. Just imagine wearing a big hoop skirt dress, and a bunch of vintage jewelry, what a glamorous life they must have led. I believe I was born in the wrong era, I so love the big skirt dresses they wore.
I absolutely love Vintage items, cars, jewelry and homes. I think it would be neat to read a bit of history mixed in with a vintage mystery. Can she figure out who took the vintage piece and will she fall in love in the process?
I think it would be interesting to bring in a friend with a vintage shop-you could bring in a confidant or friend and bring in information about vintage items-maybe clothing or juewlry while developing a new charachter to share
I love anything Vintage. Doesn’t mean it’s expensive either, just well taken care of.
My brother once asked my mom if she was an antique (he had just learned the word). She replied, “no, I’m vintage!” 🙂 I’m quite sure she’d love the stories and characters you write about!
I love the storylines you have created! Using vintage time periods is very unique and entertaining. It is so elegant!
Vintage anything, of course! Clean romance in any historical context is my favorite 🙂
Vintage photos are amazing! It’s fun to see them included in an author’s blog.
I sure do like the vintage jewelry with the intricate detail. My dad was a teenager in the Netherlands during the Nazi era so I would definitely like to read more on the heroism during that time.
I love vintage jewelry boxes and maybe you could try writing an old western type story.
I Love all Things Vintage, How about a Nifty Fifty’s Novel!
I look forward to reading vintage fiction!
I enjoyed reading your vintage novel, Moondrop Miracle. Thank you for the opportunity to read it and to enter your giveaway. How about writing a mystery involving a vintage article?
I love Victorian era settings! The vintage clothing and especially the hats are breathtaking! I’d love to be transported back in a good book!
I just love to see vintage things and read vintage books. I’ d love to have a book about the Gilded age. They had such wealth some people. In New York and Newport RI. They didn’t even pay personal taxes. I’ d love the book to be about a family with a murder mystery in it set in the Hudson Rivery valley in New York around the turn of the century. With a lot of vintage clothes and antiques in the mansion.
I would love to read a Sparkling Vintage story set in the late Victorian Age, 1890-1910. Thanks for writing wonderful stories.
I’d like to see you write about the time period in the 1918s, during the time right before the Great Influenza, and then during. Perhaps make the main character a nurse, or a volunteer nurse’s aid. Talk about the enforced mask wearing laws, and describe the vintage nurse’s uniforms. If you need more info, just Google nurse uniforms during the Great Influenza 1918.
I agree with Nancy, I am a disabled nurse, and do to our present time, recently did some research on the beginning of mask wearing. I even found pictures of civilians wearing masks during the Great Influenza which had a second wave like we are experiencing now. Even though we never fully got out of the first one.
From my reading knowledge (60+ years) I have not read a fictional book about this, or could I find one when I queried one to read. Thus Jennifer, I vote for something totally new and unique that no other author has written about. Write about this, Please. Don’t follow Lead.
Opps! Meant to add that writing about something like this would be totally different in the world of “vintage“.
I know, Adriann, no one has written about this in the Christian historical fiction books. Thank you for supporting my response, too! What was your nursing specialty? My older daughter is a nurse practitioner, and she worked for years in a heart step down unit, now she is a floater.
I love anything that is vintage! Their beautiful clothing. Their wonderful beautiful castles.I love all the books written about that time.I couldn’t live in those times. I am way to spoiled to all the modern things. I am amazed at how they lived. I am always looking for all the beautiful things they had. Most beautiful thinga.
A story set during the Old West or the Civil War would be wonderful. I love the fashions from the 19th century. I prefer vintage clothing and jewelry that have a “Victorian” look to them.
It would be fun to read a story you’ve written with vintage NYC in it… your book cover reminds me a bit of Thoroughly Modern Millie (the musical).
How about something around the Chicago World Fair? Vintage Chicago with exciting attractions, architectural wonders, and a Ferris wheel debut!
That would be fun to read about, too. I’ve got a great big book about the White City, which isn’t that fair, but it’s really interesting.
I love vintage samplers and needlework. It would be great if you were to insert this handicraft in the storyline.
I love the Roaring 20’s, so those are my favorite stories. The vintage fashion was just the bee’s knees! ?
I find stories from the 20s to be quite fascinating and would love more from that era. I found a pair of the most divine vintage shoes from the 20s in pale yellow at a consignment store near here. I briefly, but seriously, pondered a plan to get my size 9s into those 6.5s, but alas, reality and my good senses won over and I sadly walked away. They will forever be in my graveyard of buried hopes. I do love a sequel, but also enjoy new characters and story lines.
Maybe write about a woman who is secretly an inventor desire who gets messy doing her heart’s desire but people would never guess based on her wardrobe and clean appearance.
I love to read sweet stories about life a long time ago….the way they spoke and dress and activities that they need. I love the old, vintage furnishings and jewelry and clothing.
I am looking forward to reading the free e-book. I enjoy reading historical fiction. It is fun to read about vintage clothing, vocabulary used in a specific era, new inventions, and new ideas. I enjoy WW2 stories. Maybe you could write a WW1 story as there seems to be fewer books about this era. Also, the 1950s would be a fun era to read about. The war is over and life is good. Music, clothes,and cars are a few things that come to mind. I prefer stand alones for this genre.
I like the vintage age, or Hollywood, or something like Philadelphia Story, mysteries , during WWII PERIOD after that period or even before the fashion was fantastic. Darn I’m sorry I’m all over the map. I like a mystery, with a good couple who have there own strengths, and I do like a vintage story line.
I also like series. And a good paranormal fantasy is great to. Told you I’m all over the place.!
I love the victorian era and pretty much any Vintage era
It is so hard to pick a favorite historical era! There is much to love about them all, and always something new to learn. I think, if pushed, I would have to say the “Roaring 20s,” mainly because of the fabulous vintage clothing and fun-loving attitudes. Also, as far as sequels or stand-alone books, I like both as long as they are well written and interesting with good characters. Good luck with your new project, whatever you decide.
I’m a Steampunker who LOVES vintage Victorian clothes and accessories. I’ve been known to make my own vintage clothes & accessories. I know I’ll love whatever project you write next 🙂
I received your message – I am so looking forward to receiving my “vintage” prize! Thank you so much!