A Sparkling Vintage Life

***Updated 11/1/20 to add: May I just take a moment to say I have the most thoughtful, incredible readers in the entire universe? You’ve all given me such helpful feedback and ideas about the kinds of stories you’d most like to read going forward. So a huge thank-you to each and every one of you who took the time to leave a comment.

And now the big news: WE HAVE A WINNER for the “sparkling vintage” earrings and a signed copy of Moondrop Miracle! Congratulations to Linda Gawthrop, whose name was drawn at random from all the commenters to this post who included the secret codeword “vintage.” (Linda, I’ve contacted you by e-mail to get your mailing address.)

Thanks again to every one of you. Stay tuned for more giveaways to come. And always remember to sparkle!***

I’m already in the early stages of thinking about which story I’ll write following THE ROSE KEEPER. It’s time to begin the brainstorming and research process on my next Sparkling Vintage historical novel.

Trouble is, I’ve got several story ideas floating around in my head, and I’d like YOU, my loyal readers, to help me decide! Leave a comment below and let me know what Sparkling Vintage time period or historical event you’d like me to write about. Would you like to see more stories set in the 1920s and 1930s? World War I, World War II, Classic Hollywood, the Gilded Age, the Nifty Fifties? Or perhaps some pre-20th-century time period like the Civil War or Old West?

Also, do you prefer sequels featuring characters you already know and love, or entirely new stories? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

(P.S. If you’re a Reader Community member and you leave a comment containing the secret codeword, you’ll be entered to win a chance at the special prize I told you about in your most recent newsletter. If you’re not yet a Reader Community member and you want to be in on the fun, sign up in the box marked “Reader Community” and I’ll send you the details. Last day to enter the drawing is October 31, 2020.)