A Sparkling Vintage Life

ill be home for christmas larger

Ad in The Saturday Evening Post, December 1946

I love everything about this 1946 Greyhound ad, which appeared in magazines the same month that the holiday classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, appeared in theaters. There’s something about the spirit of those times that plucks at my heartstrings. The man, the wife, the boy, the simple house, the classic tree…no matter what’s going on in the world outside, within their little home–at least for the moment–they have all they need and want.

The 1920s short story “A Christmas Robe” will remain available for free, a little while longer, by signing up for my newsletter at right. It’s also available for 99 cents on Amazon. I hope you enjoy it! If you do, and can take a minute to leave a review on Amazon, I’d be most grateful.

I wish a very merry Christmas to all my Sparkling Vintage readers and kindred spirits, and pray that the wonders of His love will touch each one of you this season. If there are ways I can better serve you with blog posts, short stories, and novels in 2016, please speak up and let me know what you’d like to see. In the meantime, sparkle on!
