A Sparkling Vintage Life

Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn

Here’s a fresh take on ladies’ slacks from the unsinkable Veronica Dengel, circa 1943:

“Another item in “lounging” or sports clothes about which I have a decided opinion is slacks! On the right person, well fitted, and worn with suitable accessories, slacks can be attractive. The tall slender, or average slender girl, can wear them beautifully. Unfortunately, however, we generally see them on heavy hips and thighs, and as someone very cleverly remarked: ‘Their slacks take up all the slack!’ They are splendid for work in big industrial plants or for casual country wear. They have no place on town or city streets, or worn with a mink coat or silver fox jacket, Hollywood to the contrary! If you can and do want to wear slacks, be certain that they are accompanied by a cotton blouse or sweater or matching jacket; that your shoes are very flat-heeled leather ties or something similar. Of course yo will never wear either medium or high heels with slacks. And no jewelry!”

LOL! Although I’m a skirt-and-dress girl at heart, I find myself reaching for slacks again and again. How about you?