A Sparkling Vintage Life

Using foul language is increasingly popular these days. Some even say that swearing is a sign of superior intelligence and creativity. But does cussing add value to A Sparkling Vintage Life? We’re guessing you know our thoughts on the answer.

Article: Psychologists urge folks to be friends with those who swear a lot

Book: F You Very Much: Understanding the Culture of Rudeness and What We Can Do About It by Danny Wallace

Book: No Nice Girl Swears by Alice-Leone Moats. This rather tongue-in-cheek tome, published in 1933, was written by an accomplished journalist. Moats, who was 25 years old when she wrote No Nice Girl Swears, traveled the world as a foreign correspondent for Collier’s Magazine. Later she was a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and also wrote for the National Review.

The Sparkling Vintage Ladies’ Reading Circle

Jennifer’s fiction:
You’re the Cream in My Coffee
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Songbird and Other Stories

Jennifer’s blog