Source: Greg Lamont
My talented brother Greg Lamont made this fabulous limited-edition mug for the launch of You’re the Cream in My Coffee. Isn’t it–and isn’t he–the bee’s knees?
I’ll be giving a couple of these mugs away as door prizes at the book launch party here in Idaho on September 17. But I’ll bet a whole lot of you Sparklers won’t be able to make it to Idaho that day. And that hardly seems fair. So I’ve decided to also give away 2 mugs here on the blog as well. There are two ways to enter:
(1) You can leave a comment below, finishing this sentence: “One person I’d love to have coffee with is______________because ______________” (The person you choose can be fictional or real, living or long-gone.)
(2) You can sign up for my quarterly e-letter (look to the right for the sign-up form).
On the evening of September 17, I will draw 2 names at random to receive one of these special mugs plus a copy of You’re the Cream in My Coffee (signed, if you want). The names will be drawn at random from commenters and e-letter subscribers.
I’ll start. One person I’d love to have coffee with is Erma Bombeck, because we would laugh until our sides ached, and all the jokes would be clean, proving it can be done.
Okay, your turn.
One person I’d love to have coffee with is Jenny Leo because I met her when I visited her church and just thought she’d be nice to get to know.
That is so kind, Sarah. Thank you!
The person I would love to have coffee with is Alan Alda! Love him since I was a kid use to watch hours of Mash over and over again. We would be laughing with eachother so loudly non stop. I laugh just as loud as he does and stomach busting!
Thank You for the chance to win!
I agree, Justina! I never tire of watching MASH reruns.
The person I would like to have coffee with is my grandfather. I used to drink coffee (mostly milk with a little coffee) when I was a little girl. He died when I was 9. I would just like to hear some of his stories again. He had so many.
Sounds like some wonderful memories, Andrea. One of my biggest regrets was that I didn’t listen to more stories and ask more questions of my grandmothers and other older relatives while they were alive.
I would love to have coffee with my mom, who is in heaven and who I really miss. Want to talk about the Lord with her and share so many things. She is truly the creM on my coffee.
That’s lovely, Marcia. Coffee in Heaven…what a wonderful thought.
I would love to have coffee with my dad and uncle Ben. Two men who were endlessly fascinating when they got together. Perhaps we can do it on the other side.
Love your avatar, Elspeth.
One person I’d love to have coffee with is Corrie ten Boom because I have admired her down to earth faith. She, along with her family, hid Jews from the Nazi’s in Holland. As a result, her entire family was imprisoned and then died in the concentration camps. Corrie was the only one of her family to have been released and that was due to a clerical error. One of my favorite quotes by her is: “This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.”
Great choice, Nickie!
One person I’d like to have coffee (or tea) with is my grandmother (lovingly called Grandy), because now that I’m older there are so many things I wish I had found out about her.
Me too, Mindy. When we’re young, we don’t always know what to ask. And by the time we know, the storytellers are gone.
One person I’d like to have coffee with is my Mom who passed away 7 years ago this month, because I want to ask her “How did she do it?” deal with me in my young adult days. Ugh. I do miss her terribly. I miss her laugh, her smile and just her character.