A Sparkling Vintage Life


Photo source: .glampingholiday.co.uk/

Photo source: .glampingholiday.co.uk/

I’ve never been much of a camper. I love the idea of camping, but in my (admittedly meager) experience, reality contains a lot more bugs, poison ivy, bugs, clammy weather, bugs, outhouses, and bugs than does my fantasy. However, a new trend in outdoor living might just change my mind.

I first learned about “glamping” (glamorous + camping) from Mary Jane Butters of Mary Jane’s Farm. She’s even written a book about it, of which the New York Times said, “Glamping, or glamour camping, one of the MaryJane’s pet concepts, is about the juxtaposition of rugged and really pretty, grit and glam, diesel and absolutely darling.”

I’m sure that diehard backwoods types look down their sunburned noses at  silver service, soft pillowy beds, jewelry fashioned out of fishing lures, and trailers painted the colors of jellybeans. That’s okay.

Glamping is a new idea, not a vintage one. But I’m sure using some vintage camping items would add to the allure.