A Sparkling Vintage Life

Down to Business: Homemaking at its Best

Here’s a bit of encouragement for homemakers, from A Sixpence in Her Shoe by Phyllis McGinley: “A perceptive writer who has not always praised the modern women is the anthropologist Margaret Mead. Yet she, in a recent article discussing the results of the...

Sunday Serenade: I’ll Be Thinking of You

Love this golden oldie from back in the spinning-vinyl days. “If you have some problems Don’t let them ever get you down Just remember God’s strength is always around” Happy Sunday–I’ll be praying for ya!...

Retro Recipe Wednesday: Hazelnut Roll

“Nut roll was the dessert on which Great-aunt Johanna literally based her reputation,” wrote Phyllis McGinley in her winsome book Sixpence in Her Shoe, which the publisher called “the book that talks back to the Feminine Mystique.” “I...

Looking on the Bright Side, part II

Recently I blogged about the boundaries of my fiction writing. A fellow author, Rebecca Florence Miller, has penned a thoughtful post that has helped me clarify and refine my thinking on the matter. She writes, “Redemptive art is that which clearly shows the...