by jlo | May 29, 2013 | Uncategorized
In the 1920s, Florida was hot in more ways than one. Around the turn of the century, a developer named Henry Flagler had worked tirelessly to position Florida, and Palm Beach in particular, as a winter playground for the rich and famous. After World War I, the middle...
by jlo | May 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day was started in 1868 to honor soldiers who had died in the American Civil War. While many towns and cities held their own remembrances, General John Logan, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, was the...
by jlo | May 24, 2013 | Uncategorized
Confession time: I haven’t worked up the nerve yet to see the new version of The Great Gatsby. I’ve heard mixed reviews and think it might make me crazy, ruin my ears, or scorch my eyeballs. I’d be eager to know what those of you who’ve seen it...
by jlo | May 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
Monday, when I started working on this post, was a perfect iced-tea day in northern Idaho: hot, sunny, summery. Today, not so much, as we’re experiencing cold and rain–“March: The Sequel.” Still, I’m forging ahead with my iced-tea post...
by jlo | May 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
One of the more enjoyable bits of research for my novel included a hilarious memoir written by Emily Kimbrough about her first job working at Marshall Field and Company, which I read to get a feel for what it was like to work at Field’s in the 1920s. Some of...