by jlo | Nov 25, 2012 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
A popular gospel song in the early years of the 20th century was “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” Here’s a version I like (yes, that’s Andy Griffith a.k.a. Sheriff Taylor on the far right, standing next to the bride who, if memory serves, is...
by jlo | Nov 21, 2012 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
As you take a break in your Thanksgiving preparations, I hope you get a chuckle out of these rather unique stuffing recipes from the November 1936 issue of Delineator magazine. Clearly the writer had a romance going with her can opener–indeed, she writes,...
by jlo | Nov 20, 2012 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
My mother and I have a little code that passes between us when some aspect of modern life slaps us in the face. The code is “W. H. T. G. L.,” which stands for “Whatever Happened to Gracious Living?” Over the years “W. H. T. G. L.”...
by jlo | Nov 19, 2012 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
In a spirit of getting back to business after a weekend of fun, Monday morning seems like a fitting time to chat about the workplace. Whether “going to work” takes you to an office, a hospital, a factory, a store, a classroom, or your very own kitchen,...
by jlo | Nov 14, 2012 | Jennifer Lamont Leo, Uncategorized
Hmm, preserving civilization . . . could I choose a more ambitious topic for a Thursday morning, fellow Sparklers? As you begin to incorporate tiny, vintage touches into your daily life, some people will question your seriousness or even your sanity. They will...